
We are currently under open beta test and the main reason for it is because the user interface is not tweaked and some people might have trouble figuring it out. There are also some features we still are going to implement. That's why we're ostensibly asking for feedback.

In order to provide help for the current users, we made this page to sum up the help for such users.

Where's the manual?

We're currently developing a wiki. Everyone is able to read it and it is also editable for GitHub users. There should be soon there explanation about the functions present in Writer's Trail.

I can't do something!

If you're finding difficulties, see if there's anything in the feedback page and also the GitHub issue tracker. If not, you can add one of those.

For those who are more chatty, send us a message via Twitter, Facebook or email: [email protected].

There's a bug here

The best place to report bugs is the feedback page. But any means listed in the section above are fine too.

We'd like to centralize it so users can see what's going own without the need of a third-party tool.