There is now an export function to backup your data. Check the top right menu to see the new option.


Created at
2015-02-20 16:16:43 +00:00
Last update
2015-04-11 22:10:27 +00:00
Vote score
Adding Friends
While I know some of us basically write in a void, you might consider adding a friends feature. I'm part of a writing group and it would be fun (productive) if we could all link our accounts and dole out support to each other. I would suggest something similar to Camp NaNoWriMo where people can create groups and leave comments and advice on a community wall.
On hold
Thanks for your feedback. While this is something we already thought of, it is a major feature and require a lot of coding. So, we do wish to include these social features but it's not our top priority for now.
Now projects and targets can be made public. It's a first step towards a social interaction.
-- George Marques