There is now an export function to backup your data. Check the top right menu to see the new option.


Created at
2015-02-15 05:47:55 +00:00
Last update
2015-03-07 19:10:15 +00:00
Vote score
Highest WPM
With the new Timer function being introduced, I'd love to see an option added on the writing stats dashboard to show (or just always have it there) a user's highest score/wordcount for sessions of the same time. For example, if someone has done a bunch of 5-minute sessions it would show that their highest wordcount for a 5-minute session would be X amount. Prompting people to push harder, to drive those numbers higher.

Thanks for this site, by the way, it's absolutely wonderful!
Thanks for your feedback! I'm gonna see if I can manage to add such feature.
We now show the highest WPM ever in the dashboard stats. We're looking to improve such stats too.
-- George Marques