There is now an export function to backup your data. Check the top right menu to see the new option.


Created at
2015-03-29 08:51:09 +00:00
Last update
2015-04-09 19:52:04 +00:00
Vote score
New Session Prompt from Dashboard
The dashboard prompt that I didn't write anything today appears to run on either a different timezone to the sessions. It still hadn't appeared at around 6am this morning.
It's showing now at 7pm, despite me writing at around 10pm last night so it doesn't appear to be a set time. I'd like the reminder to appear when a new day starts.
I'm aware of this issue and still trying to find a way to respect user's timezone. Since it's not possible to detect this on the server, I'll have to figure out another way.
The fix is now live on the site. Thanks for your feedback.
-- George Marques